Tom Spurgeon's Web site of comics news, reviews, interviews and commentary

March 8, 2009

FFF Results Post #154—Go, Team!

On Friday, CR Readers Were Asked To "Identify Five Fictional Sports Teams From The Comics In A Way That Doesn't Include The Name Of The Comic." This Is How They Responded.



Tom Spurgeon

1. Milford High Mudlarks
2. Gotham Goliaths
3. The Shohoku High School Basketball Team
4. Charlie Brown's Baseball Team
5. The Stars of David



Buzz Dixon

1 - Musabetsu Kakuto Ryu aka School of Indiscriminate Grappling aka Anything Goes Martial Arts
2 - The Estes Kefauver Fighting Kangaroos
3 - The Dingsburg Professional Bowling League
4 - The Mystery Cow
5 - Team Rocket



Mark Coale

1. Skokie Skullcrushers
2. Smallville High School football team
3. Metropolis Meteors
4. Opal City Corsairs
5. Braalian Magno-Ball team



Tom Bondurant

1. Walden College Fighting Swooshes
2. Metropolis Monarchs
3. Rokk Krinn's magno-ball team
4. Skokie Skullcrushers
5. Keystone City Combines



Dave Knott

* Walden College football squad
* Westview Scapegoats
* Woodstock's bird bath ice hockey team
* Metropolis Meteors
* Toronto Grizzlies



Grant Goggans

1. Melchester Rovers
2. Harlem Heroes
3. Harlem Hellcats
4. Burmington City FC
5. The Walden College football team


someday I'll pitch that shutout

posted 7:30 am PST | Permalink

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