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August 23, 2014

FFF Results Post #391—Twitter Nation

On Friday, CR readers were asked to "Name Five Events From Comics Industry History For Which You Wish You Could Have Read A Day-After Twitter Feed." This is how they responded.


Tom Spurgeon

1. Kirby quits Marvel.
2. Ditko quits Marvel.
3. The publication of Cerebus #186.
4. Mike Diana convicted.
5. William Gaines testifies.



Sean T. Collins

* Young Phoebe Gloeckner meets Aline Kominsky and Robert Crumb, 1976
* Blankets and Kramers Ergot 4 debut at MoCCA 2003
* Frank Miller rips up a copy of Wizard at the 2001 Harvey Awards
* Jenette Kahn named Publisher of DC Comics, 1976
* Joe Quesada confronts Grant Morrison about leaving Marvel for DC on the floor at the San Diego Comic-Con 2003



Matt Emery

1. The launch of Eagle (1950's)
2. The launch of Eagle (1980's)
3. Frank Hampson quits/replaced on Dan Dare
4. Neville Colvin assumes art duties on Modesty Blaise
5. Charlton Comics ceases publishing



Michael Buntag

1. "The Death of Superman" (Superman #75).
2. Publication of Captain America Comics #1.
3. Frank Miller's Diamond keynote.
4. Pogo introduces the character "Simple J. Malarkey."
5. Rob Liefeld et al. leave Marvel to launch Image.



Sean Kleefeld

1. Green Lantern #76 (with the blue skins/orange skins/purple skins/black skins speech) hits the stands
2. Julie Schwartz introduces the "New Look" Batman
3. George Reeves is cast as Superman one year after Kirk Alyn leaves the role
4. National sues Fawcett over Captain Marvel
5. DC introduces go-go checks!



Andrew Mansell

1. Alex Raymond killed in car crash
2. Bill Watterson announces his retirement
3. Peanuts introduces Franklin
4. Zap Comics #4 published
5. Jim Shooter fired



Brendan Colgan

1. Charles Schulz retires
2. Bill Watterson retires
3. Abner Yokum marries Daisy Mae
4. Raw #1 published
5. Art Spiegelman wins a Pulitzer for Maus



Randy Clark

1. The Batman television series premieres
2. Mad becomes a magazine instead of a comic book
3. Justice League #1 is published
4. The Avengers #4 is published
5. Gold Key ceases publishing comic books



Michael Dooley

1. "Compromise with the South" spread in @HarpersWeekly defends of Lincoln's war efforts
2. #Newspaper #publishers experiment with yellow ink printing processes on comics pages
3. Hallucinatory strip depicting cheese-induced nightmares debuts in the @EveningTelegram
4. @SocietyOfIndependentArtists unfairly rejects R. Mutt's porcelain sculpture
5. Left-wing publication begins "How to Look" cartoon series by former #WPA artist



Oliver Ristau

1. The Kefauver Hearings (Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency), 1954
2. Censorship of Barbarella in France, 1964
3. Al Capp's sex scandals, 1971
4. Pregnancy of Ms. Marvel in Avengers #200, 1980
5. Publishing of A Taste of Cherry in Verotika #4, 1995



Michael Grabowski

1. National sues Fawcett over Captain Marvel
2. The Comics Code is established--preferably day-by-day as it was being written
3. Kurtzman quits editing MAD and leaves EC Comics
4. The Captain America fake-out return in Strange Tales #114 is published
5. Michael Fleisher sues The Comics Journal



Alan Doane

1. Publication of "Master Race."
2. Shooter "Little Fucks" Memo Leaked
3. Windsor-Smith Leaves Conan
4. CrossGen Implodes
5. Publication of "Ice Haven."



Jamie Coville

1. Jim Shooter leaves Marvel
2. Mort Weisinger leaves DC
3. Bugfuck Lawsuit against TCJ and Harlan Ellison
4. Bob Wood's arrest for the murder of his girlfriend
5. Jack Cole's Suicide



Chris Arrant

1. The Beginning of the Silver Age with DC revamping characters
2. Down & Out Company jumps on the superhero bandwagon -- Fantastic Four #1
3. The Wertham trails
4. The early success of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
5. The foundation of Image Comics



James Moore

1. Jim Shooter fired as Marvel EIC
2. Image comics founded.
3. Watchmen #12 released
4. Jack Kirby leaves Marvel
5. After the Creator's Bill of Rights was signed

posted 4:00 pm PST | Permalink

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