January 23, 2016
FFF Results Post #445—To The Archives

On Friday,
CR asked its readers to "Name Five Bodies Of Comics You'd Like To See Collected In Archival Editions." This is how they responded.
Oliver Ristau
1. Alex Nino's back up feature "
Korak" in
Tarzan #231-234 (pictured, I think; I like these panels anyway)
2. "
The New Adventures Of Hitler" by Grant Morrison and Steve Yeowell from
Crisis #46-49
3. "
Mickey Spillane's Mike Danger" newspaper strip by Max Alan Collins, Keith Giffen etc. from Asbury Park Press
4. The missing "
Burger Wars" etc. storylines from the "Judge Dredd: Cursed Earth" series in
2000 AD (but the wait seems to be over!)
5. "
Wowman, the world's most famous drug dog" from 1972's
Primo and 1973's
Fix und Foxi
Scott Stewart
1. the remaining Plastic Man stories by Jack Cole
2. Skyman by Ogden Whitney (pictured)
3. Harvey Kurtzman's Trump
4. Lou Fine's work at Quality
5. George Carlson's Jingle Jangle Tales and Pie Face Prince
William Burns
1. Charles Barsotti's Sally Bananas
2. Alan Moore's Maxwell the Magic Cat
3. Seth Fisher's DC work (pictured)
4. Art Adams's complete Monkeyman and O'Brien including the Gen13 crossover
5. Alison Bechdel's complete Dykes to Watch Out For
Marc Sobel
1. Paul Gulacy's Masters of Kung Fu run (pictured)
2. The Complete Taboo
3. The Complete RAW magazine
4. The DC short stories of Alex Nino
5. The Underground Comics of Alan Moore
Patrick Watson
1. American Splendor
2. The Horse Press comics of Paul Pope
3. Rubber Blanket (pictured)
4. Sky Masters of the Space Force
5. Mr. A
Steven Grant
1. John Severin's complete Atlas Comics (1950s) output
2. Russ Heath's complete Atlas Comics (1950s) output (pictured)
3. Alex Toth's Johnny Thunder stories & covers
4. Gil Kane's Johnny Thunder stories & covers
5. Joe Kubert's complete non-DC output 1949-1956
Steve Replogle
1. Bobby London's Dirty Duck (pictured)
2. Barry Windsor-Smith's 1970-1972 Marvel superhero stories (Astonishing Tales 3-6 & 10, Avengers 98-100, Marvel Premiere 3-4)
3. Richard Howell's Portia Prinz of the Glamazons
4. Richard Corben's Den
5. Mark Evanier & Steve Rude's continuation of Jack Kirby's Fourth World stories for DC (Mister Miracle Special 1 & Legends of the DC Universe 14)
Jeffrey A. Goodman
1. Complete National Lampoon Funny Pages
2. Complete National Lampoon Comics (the various parodies and originals like Son O'God, etc.)
3. Complete Pussycat (A sort of Marvel production) (pictured)
4. Complete Warren 1984/94 (great art, horrible stories)
5. Complete Skull and Slow Death Comics
Jim Wheelock
* A Complete George Metzger Omnibus (Moondog, etc.)
* American Eagle -- Colin Dawkins, John Severin and Will Elder
* The Green Lama -- Mac Raboy
* L'Ile Des Morts -- Thomas Mosdi and Guillaume Sorel - An English language collection
* The Space Museum -- Gardner Fox and Carmine Infantino (pictured)
Chris Duffy
1. Robotman by Jimmy Thompson (pictured)
2. James Stevenson's Grandpa and Uncle Wainey stories
3. Rose O'Neill's Kewpies (for newspapers and magazines)
4. Jimmy Swinnerton's comics for Good Housekeeping
5. Bill Holman's Spooky
John Vest
1. Mr. Tawky Tawny stories by Otto Binder and C. C. Beck (pictured)
2. Shary Flenniken's
Trots and Bonnie
3. Dwaine Tinsley's
Hustler cartoons
4. Jack Chick's complete minicomics
5. Jack Kirby's submitted
Fantastic Four #102, with the panels in the correct order, and without the additional material published in
Fantastic Four Lost Story
Mark Mayerson
1. Conchy by James Childress
2. Bob Hope comics by Owen Fitzgerald
3. Gordo Sunday pages by Gus Arriola (pictured)
4. Capt. Easy by Leslie Turner
5. Robotman by Jimmy Thompson
1. Garry Trudeau's key B.D. continuities from the entire run of Doonesbury, collected as a type of biography (pictured)
2. Gus Arriola's Gordo
3. EC Segar's Thimble Theatre (pre-Popeye) best Sunday sequences, Fantagraphics-sized
4. EC Segar's Thimble Theatre (pre-Popeye) best daily sequences, LOAC Essentials-sized
5. The best Mickey Mouse & Goofy adventure stories by Paul Murry and Carl Fallburg
Andrew Mansell
1. The Paul Murray Mickey Mouse stories
2. Prince Valiant by the Cullen Murphys
3. Drago by Burne Hogarth (pictured)
4. The Lou Fine Quality Comics and Covers
5. The Complete Virgil Partch
Jamie Coville
1. Al Hartley Spire Comics (pictured)
2. Little Archie
3. Richard Corben's Independent Late 70s/80s work (Bloodstar, Den, Jeremy Brood, etc..)
4. Discontinued Heroes for Legal Reasons -- Wonder Man, Moth Man, Master Man, etc.. with whatever legal evidence/stories there is available regarding the issue.
5. Best of Topix and Christian Comics
Scott Dunbier
1) Jack Cole's Plastic Man
2) Lou Fine's Quality Work
3) Darrigo and Taylor's Wordsmith (pictured)
4) National Lampoon Comics
5) Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez' complete DC Comics work that he inked himself on!
Sean Kleefeld
1. All of the Friday Foster strips
2. All of the Gordo strips
3. André LeBlanc's Intellectual Amos stories
4. Air Pirates Funnies #1-2
5. All of the Speed Jaxon strips (pictured)
Mike Pfefferkorn
1. Scribbly (Sheldon Mayer)
2. Dr. Fate (J.M. DeMatteis & Shawn McManus)
3. Lady Luck (Klaus Nordling)
4. Warlord (Mike Grell) (pictured)
5. Cutey Bunny (Joshua Quagmire)
Mike Borelli
1. Jingle-Jangle Tales and the Pie-Face Prince by George Carlson
2. Odd Bodkins by Dan O'Neil
3. The complete DC and Atlas comics stories of Bernard Krigstein
4. The Alberto Breccia library (pictured)
5. The Collected East Village Other
Michael Dooley
1. Nicole Claveloux's comics art
2. Philippe "Caza" Cazaumayou’s comics art
3. John Held, Jr.'s newspaper and magazine art (two volumes)
4. Richard F. Outcault's The Yellow Kid
5. Joseph Keppler's editorial art (pictured)
Buzz Dixon
1. Kona, Monarch Of Monster Isle by Sam Glanzman (I hear this one is coming)
2. Shary Flenniken's Trots and Bonnie (Yeah! Me, too!)
3. 'Mazing Man by Bob Rozakis and Stephen DeStefano
4. Angel Love by Barbara Slate (pictured)
5. 1963 by Stephen Bissette et al (if we're gonna wish for anything, might as well wish for the moon)
Stephen Harrick
Allow me to acknowledge that both
Static and
The City have received collections, but both are highly truncated collections -- neither received complete archival publications. The other three have not, to my knowledge, received any archival publications.
1. Whores of Mensa anthology series (pictured)
2. Static -- complete series from Milestone
3. Hostess Ads featuring comic book/animation characters
4. The City by Derf (complete run)
5. Jonny Quest -- Comico series
Dave Knott
* MAD #24 and up
* Mark Marek's comics from the National Lampoon
* Jack Kirby's 2001 (pictured)
* Help by Harvey Kurtzman & co.
* Trump by Harvey Kurtzman & co.
idea and examples provided by John Vest; thanks, John!
posted 2:00 pm PST |
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