April 1, 2017
FFF Results Post #474—Powers

On, Friday
CR readers were asked to "Name Five Displays Of Super-Powers You Like For The Specific Artistic Depiction." This is how they responded.
Kiel Phegley
1. Frazer Irving Drawing Living Laser as a Hot Pink Ghost in the Machine
2. Scott McDaniel Drawing Nightwing as Multiple Bodies Doing Ridic Backflips
3. Tony Harris Drawing Shade All Inky Black
4. Mike Wieringo Drawing Flash Emanating Buckets of Lighting Bolts
5. Jim Lee Drawing Those Weird "TV Has Crappy Reception" Squiggles on Void
Buzz Dixon
2. Bill Sienkiewicz doing whatever the hell it is that he does with Warlock
3. Fletcher Hanks letting Fatomah and Stardust literally rip their enemies to shreds
4. Adam Warren and Empowered's costume
5. Gil Kane pulling anything & everything out of Green Lantern's ring
Sean Kleefeld
1. Jack Kirby drawing the Thing clobbering bad guys
2. Ron Lim drawing the Silver Surfer soaring through space
3. Curt Swan drawing Superman landing at the end of a flight
4. Mike Zeck drawing Captain America doing acrobatics
5. Frank Miller drawing Daredevil using his radar sense
Mark Mayerson
1. Steve Ditko drawing Dr. Strange casting spells.
2. Jack Cole drawing Plastic Man transforming into objects.
3. Wayne Boring drawing Superman flying.
4. Jack Kirby drawing Captain America throwing a punch.
5. C.C. Beck drawing Fatman, the Human Flying Saucer.
Andrew Mansell
1. Jack Kirby Drawing Madame Medusa sweeping Sandman off the floor.
2. Curt Swan Drawing Matter Eater Lad dealing with the menace of the evil chain link fence.
3. Wally Wood Drawing Clark Bent (Superduperman) using his X-ray vision. (still a Creep)
4. Keith Pollard (and Gene Day!!!) Drawing Thor gutting Arishem the Judge with the Odinsword.
5. John Byrne Drawing L.R. 'Skip' Collins "The Man with the Power" fixing the worldwide destruction caused by Ego the Living Jerk of a Planet
Brian Khepri
1. Mort Meskin Drawing Multiple Johnny Quicks To Convey Speed
2. Ramona Fradon Drawing Green Fury Blowing Fire Out Of Her Nose
3. Marc Silvestri Drawing Dazzler Shooting Lasers Via Finger-Gun
4. John Paul Leon Drawing Static Fly-Riding Atop Manhole Covers
5. Kyle Baker Drawing Plastic Man Morphing Into Inanimate Objects
Alan David Doane
1. Wallace Wood Drawing Daredevil Using His Billyclub
2. John Byrne and Terry Austin Drawing Wolverine Using His Claws
3. Jim Rugg Drawing Street Angel Fighting Crime On Her Skateboard
4. Steve Ditko Drawing Spider-Man Beating Up Multiple Opponents at Once
5. Barry Windsor-Smith Drawing The Vision Phasing Through Solid Matter
Tom Spurgeon
1. Dave Cockrum Drawing Professor X Using His Psychic Powers
2. Neal Adams Drawing Havok Using His Energy Powers
3. Will Elder Drawing The Goodman Beaver Universe Superman Having Done Super-Things Between Panels
4. Carmine Infantino Drawing The Flash In Full Super-Speed Mode
5. John Byrne Drawing Iron Fist Dashing Around A Room Or Similar Space
Oliver Ristau
Damion Scott drawing Ghost Rider using his chain
Marie Severin drawing Namor parting the waters
Tom Mandrake drawing The Spectre's all-consuming swirls
Michel Fiffe's vapor trails in Copra
Ramona Fradon drawing Metamorpho metamorphosing
Patrick Watson
1. The astral form of Dr Strange by Steve Ditko
2. The energy ZAP of Nexus by Steve Rude
3. Reed Richards stretching his arm by Jack Kirby
4. Bruce Banner changing into the Hulk by Herb Trimpe.
5. Daredevil’s radar by David Mazzucchelli.
Jack Cole Drawing Plastic Man Casually Doing Extreme Stretching.
Jack Kirby Drawing Reed Richards Stretching An Arm With A Gigantic Freakin' Fist At The End!
3. Carmine Infantino Drawing The Elongated Man Stretching a Kneecap, Elbow, Ear, Or Some Other unlikely Body Part. [pictured]
Jim Starlin Drawing Adam Warlock Using His Soul Gem to Steal Souls.
P. Craig Russell Drawing Killraven Using His Power To Access The "Racial Memory" of Humanity.
Des Devlin
1. Jack Cole Drawing Plastic Man Being Plastic Man
2. Steve Ditko Drawing Peter Parker's Spider-Sense Tingling
3. Fiona Staples Drawing Lying Cat Identifying Deceit
4. Joe Shuster Drawing Pre-Flight Superman Super-Jumping in Single Bounds
5. Jim Aparo Drawing the Spectre's Human-to-Wood Buzzsawing Vengeance
Tim Hayes
1. Simon Bisley drawing Slaine's warp-spasm in 2000AD
2. Wally Wood drawing Daredevil's radar sense
3. George Perez drawing Wonder Woman's first bullets and bracelets routine
4. Gene Colan and Tom Palmer drawing Dr Strange's astral form
5. Dan Brereton drawing Polychrome just being Polychrome in Nocturnals
Michael Buntag
1. Russell Dauterman and Matthew Wilson Drawing Thor wielding Mjolnir
2. Adrian Alphona Drawing Ms. Marvel use "embiggen"
3. Naoko Takeuchi Drawing Minako Aino transform into Sailor V
4. Matt Kindt Drawing Henry Lyme's vast psychic influence
5. Mike Mignola and Dave Stewart Drawing Hellboy in his titanic final form in Hell
posted 4:30 pm PST |
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