Tom Spurgeon's Web site of comics news, reviews, interviews and commentary

March 31, 2018

FFF Results Post #500b—Early Reading

On Friday, March 16, a select group of CR readers were asked to "Name Five Specific Comics That Stand Out Among The Earliest Comics You Read." This is how they responded.



Tom Spurgeon

1. Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #195
2. Justice League Of America #113
3. Peanuts (As Syndicated In 1973)
4. E-Man #1
5. The Incredible Hulk #171



Mário Filipe

1. Disney Especial Reedição #8: Os Milionário, with reprints of North of the Yukon, For Old Dime's Sake, Boat Buster and The Money Champ by Carl Barks
2. Disney Especial Reedição #11: Os Astronautas, with reprints of Interplanetary Postman, Island in the Sky and The Twenty-four Carat Moon stories by Carl Barks
3. Astérix Gladiador by René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo
4. O Incrível Hulk #31, for the reprints of The Crimson Forever (SW) by Archie Goodwin, Al Williamson, Tom Palmer and Walt Simonson and Sightless in A Strange Land (Red Sonja) by Roy Thomas, Clair Noto and Frank Thorne
5. Superaventuras Marvel #42, with a reprint of Demon (from X-Men #143) by Chris Claremont and John Byrne



Oliver Ristau

1. Superboy Vol 1 #197
2. Der beste Horror aller Zeiten
3. Zack Comic Box #11 -- Bruno Brazil -- Die teuflischen Augen
4. Horror #38
5. Hit Comics Die fantastischen Vier #244



John Vest

1. Fantastic Four #75
2. Nick Fury #1
3. Silver Surfer #1
4. Avengers #57
5. Captain America #103



Michael Neno

1. Tintin: King Ottokar's Sceptre By Herge
2. Marvel Collector's Item Classics No. 4 By Lee, Kirby and Ditko
3. Walt Disney Comics Digest No. 8 By Carl Barks, etc
4. Millie the Lovable Monster No. 4 By Bill Woggon
5. Metal Men No. 20 By Robert Kanigher, Ross Andru and Mike Esposito


thanks to those that participated; normal service will begin with #501 at a future date

posted 4:30 pm PST | Permalink

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