Tom Spurgeon's
Web site of comics news, reviews, interviews and commentary |

December 9, 2004
Go, Look: Bios, BDs, Buffoonery

Stuff by which you may waste your employer's investment in you:
 New Delcourt Site
Or at least they tell me it's new... even if not, it's spiffy, with a Petit Vampire button right on top that loads really easily, with a nice look at the art.
Atomic Comics Staff Bios
I could read these sort of up closes and slightly personals all day. No other industry does this, do they? That is because they are inferior industries.
Evan Dorkin's URBZ Comix
How often do readers get new comics from Evan Dorkin colored by Sarah Dyer? Not often enough, so enjoy this well-crafted commissioned project that corresponds with a videogame launch (you can also pretty quickly find other artists' submissions, too, once you're done).
posted 7:29 am PST | Permalink
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