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April 25, 2012

Go, Read: New York Times On Sports Cartooning

imageThere's what seems to me a solid feature on the state of sports cartooning up at the New York Times. It hits the major players right now (such as Rob Tornoe and Drew Litton), puts it into a limited but necessary context (basically Willard Mullin and Bill Gallo) and suggests a couple of areas rich for subsequent analysis. It also doesn't pretend that this is a new story, noting that the sports cartoon has been assaulted as anachronistic since at least the mid-1970s.

I think the most intriguing takeaway from the piece comes out of something Litton mentions, which is not getting a Monday Night Football-related gig renewed because of a lack of direct funding support. Sports cartoons seem like a logical beneficiary of today's overwhelming attention to sporting endeavors, but we've also seen a shift away from media that exists as an overall, pleasing package and more into media that has to justify itself directly, piece by piece. That makes outmoded or even simply off-key ways of doing things really difficult to bring back into play, even if they have perceived value.
posted 8:10 am PST | Permalink

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