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July 1, 2019

Go, Read: The End Times Of the Political Cartoon

There's a nice summary article from Jack Shafer about the turmoil within the political cartooning world here, although note that things are so bad that this seems like a terrifying and complete blow-by-blow and the New York Times international section scouring doesn't seem to have made the article.

A couple of things that popped into my head: the De Adder separation from his gigs is scary because we're not going to get a straight answer about these things anymore, as few battles as there are left to fight. It's not one cartoon that's important with that one, it's the period of self-censorship that came beforehand and the fact that even avoiding certain topics those with economic interests that could be at risk weren't satisfied. I also think the best construction in the article is to note it's the political aspect that's leading the critical voices; people still more than able to rally around cartoons of politicians being reunited with their children in heaven. The value of political opinion itself is under fire: the stronger the opinion, the more criticized it is. I think lurking underneath all of this is that we slowly transformed into a society where political opinion has no basic operating functionality -- to make it or receive it, even as comic relief.
posted 5:35 pm PST | Permalink

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