November 15, 2004
Marvel Does Reprint with Variant Cover

Another variant cover, another mainstream comic book story of peculiar value. This time it's Marvel
doing the reprinting, from the post-salting-of-the-Thomas/Englehart/Busiek earth that is a re-launch of their
Avengers title:
New Avengers #1.
I bring this up here to note that Marvel has its own set of issues regarding reprints, in that they almost never do them, and variants, in that they're recently more aggressive about working that area of the comic book market, mostly as same-time order incentives. It may also be worth noting that it seems like both Marvel and DC seem to have some degree of control over their top-end market books, in that they seem to be able to designate a hit right now.
My vote for the
New Avengers mystery character?
Joanna Lumley.
posted 8:40 am PST |
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