May 29, 2015
Matt Bors Announces Changes To The Nib
The editorial cartoonist Matt Bors, who was running the well regarded comics site
The Nib for Medium,
has announced a sweeping structural change in the way that the site The Nib will present work. What was a combination of regular features and occasional one-offs of different size and scope -- some with a life on other platforms -- will become what is roughly described as a more experimental effort dependent on the networking aspects of what Medium does.
I'm sad to see many of these cartoonists lose the eyeballs and whatever financial reward was involved; it's brutally tough out there for cultural and political comics, which was a singificant part of
The Nib as initially constituted. Bors did a fine job with that site, at least to my eye. I think I read every single thing published under the old arrangement. My understanding is that the cartoonists with whom he worked were treated honorably. A site that publishes comics that are more wholly dependent on the way on-line media works now as opposed to the way it might have worked ten years ago is very exciting. I look forward to what the site does next.
We still don't know at this time if anyone was let go or if any arrangements were changed on the editorial/financial, or even for sure what exactly triggered the move -- it's the kind of thing that until now might have been the subject of a funny cartoon at
The Nib. Contacted by
CR before the statement, Bors deferred to Edward Lichty at Medium. Mr. Lichty deferred to Bors' statement at the end of business Friday. If any more information becomes available, I'll pass it along.
posted 6:25 am PST |
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