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March 21, 2018

Meltdown Comics, RIP


Here and many other places. One of the five important comics shops of the 21st Century. I don't take this as a surprising thing, however, and think comic book store cycles will be much shorter in the years ahead.

That the block might be converted into one of those reverse-mullet buildings (businesses on the bottom; personal living up top) was news back in 2014. The reaction of the store's management at the time as I recall was that they had made so much money as hosts to comedy-related events that they could have their choice of where to move. This analysis I think assumed comics would be part of whatever move might have to be made, but of course staying in any one kind of a retail isn't a requirement for anyone.

That was a really good, full-service store, with space to exhibit and a combination of programming that worked. Back when the world wasn't bedazzled in geeky things, seeing that Dan Clowes imagery felt exciting. I had a signing there a long time ago and it was great. I'll miss visiting. Good luck and good times ahead for all those involved. Thanks for all the funnybooks.
posted 5:25 pm PST | Permalink

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