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May 16, 2006

Mike Belkin Pulls Plug on Unfit

imageThe comic strip Unfit will end its syndicted run on May 28th, according to the syndicate United Media and the strip's creator, Mike Belkin. Unfit had been known in the comics world for basically two things: a) an art style close enough to Belkin's suggested informal mentor and friend Scott Adams that a lot of on-line folk outright call Belkin "Scott Adams" or otherwise make a joke about the two artists being the same person as if it's so obvious that only a fool would think otherwise, and b) a well-publicized contest to choose a new artist for the feature (the collaboration between Belkin and the winner, Justin Thompson, reportedly didn't work out). I could probably add a c) Not quite coming together on the page, and not be too far off, although the Belkin-Adams thing and the contest received a lot more interest than the strip itself. I have no idea how many papers Unfit has at this point, but it probably isn't a whole lot; a strip with a lot of clients generally ends with enough lead time for its syndicate to try and sell papers on a replacement.
posted 1:34 am PST | Permalink

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