August 8, 2014
Not Comics: Creator Pushback Against Amazon
The New York Times profiles the author Douglas Preston in the context of his protest letter against on-line retailing giant Amazon and their aggressive moves in trying to score a better deal for e-book publication. Their use of delisting and frustrating sort-of listings in negotiations with Hachette have had an impact on the immediate bottom-line living made by some writers, including Preston.
It's also a pretty good catch-up on where things stand in a rolling battle that has obvious implications for comics creators just for the gigantic role Amazon plays in that market as well. As a bonus, this is one of those wonderful articles where the
Times' fundamental cluelessness as to how they sometimes come across, even when they engage that issue directly, adds a layer of fun. Preston's writing shack and that hands-in-pockets pose made me laugh, honestly, and I'm not sure what a petition does other than drive feature articles. There's a rich-off at the end! Potentially more interesting is recapped news that Amazon is struggling to become profitable quarter to quarter, which most people I've read think is a huge factor in this move and how it's been fought.
posted 12:05 am PST |
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