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August 23, 2011

Please Consider Helping Sparkplug’s Dylan Williams

imageCartoonist and Sparkplug Comics Publisher Dylan Williams is facing serious health consequences due to a recent cancer diagnosis. The private Williams has apparently given the critic and writer Rob Clough the okay to ask on his behalf that comics fans out there consider supporting Sparkplug at this time by buying books from the company. This site wholeheartedly endorses this idea.

Clough provides a list of recommended books, and just giving the Sparkplug shop the once-over it's clear that there are at least a dozen to two dozen books on there that would be of interest to anyone with the slightest appetite for art comics: Flesh and Bone, Lemon Styles (on my top books of 2010 list), Orchid, The Heavy Hand, Inkweed, Asthma, Whirlwind Wonderland, Service Industry, Sleeper Car and The Hot Breath Of War all spring to mind. I'm sure I'm missing several great books, even personal favorites.

I can't imagine any better way to satisfy your own consumptive urges and lend a hand, so I hope you'll join me in considering a purchase over the next couple of days. There's a ton of material available, and the Sparkplug shop gives a pretty clear indication of what each book will be like. If you still feel like you'd be ordering blind, and that's stopping you, in my opinion the Victorian comics anthology Orchid and the dream-like, comics-as-you've-never-seen-them Asthma are significant books in addition to being vastly enjoyable ones. But really you could take any buying strategy -- anthologies, stand-alone books, series, female cartoonists -- and apply it here.
posted 7:00 am PST | Permalink

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