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January 19, 2014

Random Comics News Story Round-Up

image* Michael Maslin talks to Joe Dator.

* Art Spiegelman from 40 years ago.

* reading this Rich Johnston mini-essay on the importance of Miracleman, I think I realized why I have a hard time figuring out why its return has caught the attention of a certain kind of fan. I was at once so immersed in superhero comics of the time that I saw the Miracleman as less singular and more just very well-executed work of a type I thought I was seeing a lot of at the time; since then, I've lost track and interest in marking very specific permutations and incremental changes in that genre. I think it might help to come out this new re-offering of the series form the opposite view in both circumstances in order to see it as noteworthy rather than simply quality work. That sounds pejorative but I swear to God I don't intend it that way. I do like that series; I think it's a lot of fun, it's well-crafted and it's even thrilling at times. I'm glad for the creators involved participating in its re-release and hope they have fun with it. Mike Sterling writes about the work here from a retailing/fan-of-the-work perspective.

* that is indeed a cute cover.

* I'm not familiar with this feature, but I'm glad to see some Sean Ford work gain notice and that is indeed a clever and fun Daredevil page.

* I once suggested this to a friend as a Halloween costume. It's all eyebrows, hair and apron.

* finally, I wish I could be 9 years old reading Esad Ribic Thor comics.
posted 3:05 pm PST | Permalink

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