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January 29, 2019

Random Comics News Story Round-Up

* some nice person at Fiction Advocate talks to Lilah Sturges.

image* bundled extra: the micro-publisher Bergen Street Comics announced their titles by Charles Forsman and Michel Fiffe will be appearing with other imprints in 2019. I think conventional wisdom says there's a lot of extra sales potential there, so good luck to all involved.

* I'm sorry to see the legendary St. Mark's going out of business and it's a testament to my addled mental state of the last three years that had I been quizzed at the grocery store this morning I would have told the person with the mic that St. Mark's had been closed since 2013 or something. I hope people find as much buried treasure as is possible in the forthcoming sales, and I hope the next generation of shorter-cycle stores have a similar thing to the kind of buried treasure I'm indicating with that phrasing.

* a random Star Wars link on Facebook led me to stare at this 1980s comic book shop photo. I wish I had paid more attention to comic book shops when I first started visiting them as a kid. It never occurred to me they hadn't been around in big cities since like 1960, and that the models were all a bit wobbly and new.

* finally, a bit of not comics: now that it's too late to be any help, here's some polar vortex advice from my hometown digital-only.
posted 3:05 pm PST | Permalink

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