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February 4, 2015

Random Comics News Story Round-Up

* Greg Stump and Dave Lasky will do another one of their Seattle classes starting out the end of February. I would do that class just to watch Greg and Dave interact.

image* Todd Klein on Abe Sapien Vol. 4. Greg McElhatton on Superman #38. Paul Tumey on works by Basil Wolverton and Max Clotfelter. Todd Klein on The Autumnlands #2. Sean Gaffney on Akame Ga Kill! Vol. 1 and Umineko: When They Cry Vol. 9. Shannon Smith reads a bunch of his daughter's comics. John Kane on a bunch of comics. Henry Chamberlain on Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 10 #11 and The Sculptor. Grant Goggans on Quigsnip. Richard Bruton on Vietnam Zombie Holocaust #1. Joe Gordon on The Dying And The Dead #1. Alex Hoffman (I think) on Beauty.

* Bob Temuka writes about getting sick of comics shops. Been there. Late 1990s.

* I believe it's also Annie Koyama's birthday. I don't know her birthdate, so I can't wish her a happy birthday that way, but I can here. Happy birthday, Annie.

* Theo Ellsworth has a big show up at Giant Robot and many of the works are still on sale. Here are a few works. Here are the direct listings. I enjoy Ellsworth's stand-alone artwork quite a bit.

* a Batman print credited to Bob Kane. A short, color strip from Sophie Crumb. A fine gag by Russ Heath.

* Kelly Thompson profiles 10 female creators she feels will have a very good 2015.

* J. Caleb Mozzocco on various Earths he likes as described in the latest issue of the Multiversity event series.

* finally, Scott McCloud writes about "Cracking Jokes" in Breakdowns I would imagine as a way of promoting his own brand new work, The Sculptor.
posted 3:05 pm PST | Permalink

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