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February 15, 2015

Random Comics News Story Round-Up

image* Todd Klein on Swamp Thing #37. J. Caleb Mozzocco on a bunch of different comics. John Kane on a bunch of different comics. Bob Temuka on a bunch of different comics.

* Alex Cox pens a tribute to his formative comics shop, and the Internet-certified odd man who ran it.

* always nice to see the Franklin letters.

* a bunch of comics smarties get into comics adaptation of literary works, which also careens hardcore into genre works because that's what comics readers do.

* this article from a conservative news/opinion web site about the current Thor storyline could not be more dreadful if it were the work of ten parodists working around the clock for a full week. I would imagine it's possible to not like the creative move, even, and not have your objections conform to the regular, tired, ludicrous, shouty, culture-war positions. The idea that the author projected sexual orientation onto the Miles Morales character and then didn't adjust the in-body argument when it was shown to be a misapprehension says all you need to know about the level of discourse.

* holy crap, look at all the pages of compelling-looking work in this Yan Cong interview.

* finally, Derf remembers David Carr.
posted 3:05 pm PST | Permalink

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