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March 1, 2015

Random Comics News Story Round-Up

image* Joe Gordon on The Death House. Matt Seneca on Jupiter's Legacy #5. Rob Kirby on Treasury Of Mini-Comics Vol. 2. Alex Jones on Prince Valiant #1. Todd Klein on GI Zombie #5 and Aquaman #37.

* according to the back-tracking math of superhero comics, Peter Parker is a millennial now. Let the "with great power comes great entitlement" jokes begin.

* this is the application form for the international cartoon competition known as Cartoonale Brugge. I think this might be a page for the competition itself -- it's kind of weirdly not easy to find. I know the awards program has been going on a few years, that it gives cash prizes, that there's no fee to submit and that this year's theme is "freedom." If you're enterprising, I'm sure you can take it the rest of the way home. If I get better information -- won't be difficult -- I'll put it here and in a subsequent post.

* Lou Fancher profiles Steve Wyatt. Patrick A. Reed talks to Lee Bermejo. Bart Croonenborghs talks to Johan De Neef. Alex Dueben talks to John Romita Sr.

* Tim Truman draws for the Grateful Dead's 50th anniversary.

* I love the fact that Fantagraphics has such a passion for odd reprint projects, a category into which I'd put this Willard Mullin book. There's some marvelous cartooning in there, though.

* finally: Mel Crawford, RIP.
posted 3:05 pm PST | Permalink

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