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March 31, 2015

Random Comics News Story Round-Up

* Mark Evanier remembers Tom Koch. Paul Levitz remembers Roger Slifer.

image* Sean Kleefeld revisits an aspect of the first computer-as-drawing-tool comic book, Shatter.

* Jason Wilkins on Past Aways #1. Tom Murphy on Drawn Onward. Bart Croonenborghs on Robert Moses: The Master Builder Of New York City. Scott Cederlund on Love & Rockets: New Stories #7.

* Supergirl, explained.

* the comics business news and analysis site has word that the Supreme Court will pass on hearing the latest appeal from Stan Lee Media. The Internet company, no longer affiliated with the 90+ year old comics creator and public celebrity, has long pressed Lee's assignment of rights to the company as their avenue into Marvel properties that they believe a settlement between Lee and Marvel acknowledged that Lee's rights existed at the time the Internet company was formed. If you don't get that, that's bad writing and also just bad, goofy things happening in the world. If only the judges that came into contact with the case were stoned college students, because that's the only audience with whom SLM's oddball legal logic seemed to have a natural home.

* Jen Sorensen visits CCS.

* in praise of Medusa's hair.

* David Press writes about Warren Ellis and books throwing off "data shadows." He also asserts that 1960s comic books presaged David Foster Wallace's use of footnotes.

* congratulations to Soup To Nutz on that feature's 15th Anniversary.

* finally, if I already recommended RC Harvey on the late Roy Doty, let me recommend it again. Hard to imagine a better pairing of historian and historical figure. That guy had two George Herrimans.
posted 5:05 pm PST | Permalink

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