April 3, 2017
Random Comics News Story Round-Up

* Paul O'Brien
takes a look at the entirety of
this is not something I ever expected to see.
* Charles Paul Hoffman
weighs in on the angle that Marvel is backing away from its current efforts to make their comics more diverse in terms of character representation because the sales record for such comics is uneven in certain cases. Just in the act of typing that, multiple people out there probably believe I'm presenting that in an unfair way. Hoffman makes the interesting point that a lot of fans seem to have been given the chance to vote for staying on or leaving a bunch of titles when a specific soft relaunch had a lot of creator and character continuity between one phase and another, and many of those fans chose to hop off. I suspect there are a lot of reasons for Marvel's current sales woes and none of them have anything to do with the idea of diversity. I think the lengthening of the long tail for these companies, for comics more broadly and, really, entertainment in general is a huge factor. I also think you have to take concept exhaustion seriously, particularly as Fantastic Four collapsed first. I have no idea how they reverse course.
* finally,
Adam Lichi keeps making new comics.
posted 5:05 pm PST |
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