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May 6, 2015

Random Comics News Story Round-Up

image* Alex Hoffman on Lemon & Ket. Sean Gaffney on Is It Wrong To Try And Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon Vol. 2. Henry Chamberlain on Amiculus: Secret History, Vol. 1. J. Caleb Mozzocco on Angry Youth Comix. Joe Gordon on Resident Alien: The Sam Hain Mystery #0.

* I've linked to a Art Spiegelman and Alison Bechdel on their participation in the Charlie Hebdo award controversy, as well as a couple of people protesting. Here's Neil Gaiman, the third of the three prominent comics personalities involved. Matt Groening apparently couldn't make it because of a work issue.

* this PDF commentary on MoCCA 2015 from 2D Cloud will be added to the link list, but it's fun and I love the format so let's include it here. I would love to see similar PDFs from companies related to events like this one. What a clever way to mark an event.

* here's Darryl Cunningham with two Sunday-style comics featuring Bette Nesmith Graham. Yes, that Nesmith.

* various comics-makers discuss their favorite books as kids/favorite kids books; I think there's some messiness there in terms of the parameters, but it makes for a fun article so no one should really care. I like all of the choices of which I'm aware. Special points to Chris Schweizer for choosing True Grit, which is a fun book for anyone of any age and seems like one of those adult books a kid could have a lot of fun reading.

* finally, a run-down of IDW Popeye Classics variant covers.
posted 5:05 pm PST | Permalink

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