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May 18, 2015

Random Comics News Story Round-Up

* Spike Trotman continues to see huge success with her series of smartly crowd-funded works.

image* Michael Cavna talks to Penelope Bagieu. Andy Oliver profiles Emma Raby. Team Panel Patter talks to Chris Schweizer. Michael Cavna talks to Gene Yang.

* these made me laugh, particularly #2.

* go here to see a best-of honor given Drawn and Quarterly's bookstore. It's been really interesting over the last half-decade and a bit more to see how well some of these publishers have integrated a bookstore into what they do. In many cases, their seeing the "soft power" advantages of having a physical location really impressed me.

* Andy Shaw on The Sculptor. Scott Cederlund on Southern Bastards. James Kaplan on Injection #1. Mark Dickson on Rat Queens Vol. 2. Shawn Starr on How It Happened.

* here's a short piece on some of the basic changes made in Marvel's comics to reflect things that work -- or need to work -- on film. You do want your comics to at least resemble the movies in a way that allows fans to follow along, although it seems to me the Inhumans/X-Men we'll-deny-it swap-out has been poorly executed on a lot of levels.

* Tony Millionaire draws Yoda.

* finally, Lauren Weinstein always makes me laugh.
posted 5:05 pm PST | Permalink

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