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May 26, 2015

Random Comics News Story Round-Up

* missed this Rob Kirby report from the Queers & Comics conference in New York City. I'm all for whatever types of meetings and presentations and festivals as it's possible to put on a calendar.

image* Todd Klein on Astro City #21, GI Zombie #8 and Aquaman #40. Melissa K. on A-Force and Silk.

* I greatly enjoyed reading Evan Dorkin on things he's learning about his career as he turns in Eltingville work for what absolutely seems like the last time. He is one of the best talkers about the experience of being a cartoonist.

* speaking of things I enjoy, here's an honor given Cat Burglar Black that I missed and the author nearly missed.

* Brian Cronin talks to Bill Walko. Kiel Phegley talks to Nate Powell. Dan Clowes profiles Wally Wood.

* here's Chris Schweizer drawing pulp-hero versions of a bunch of Marvel superhero characters.

* here's the kind of post you don't see as frequently as you used to, or at least not generated on personal sites: Ben Towle writes about using the Leroy Lettering Set.

* I have a lot of love for Todd Klein's posts on lettering assignments.

* on Blade and his powers. I do think that's a character they've not developed in a rational, long-game way. There's no reason why that character shouldn't work in comics better than it does.

* finally, Deb Aoki writes about how not to reach press people through social media. I don't mind people being blunt with links -- hey, the less time wasted on dog-and-pony-show stuff the better -- but I do get annoyed at the presumption my function in life is to help someone meet their PR goals.
posted 5:05 pm PST | Permalink

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