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August 11, 2016

Random Comics News Story Round-Up

image* Sean Edgar on Bera The One-Headed Troll.

* glad to hear that the fine writer and great gentleman of comics James Vance survived a harrowing last two years. That guy writes a grocery list and it's in that voice.

* Sloane Leong talks to Bryan Lee O'Malley and Leslie Hung. Alex Lu talks to Scott Snyder.

* this level of kind words from the famously tough Pat Oliphant is still remarkable 12 years after the fact. I agree with the general sentiment that Richard Thompson was a great cartoonist before Cul De Sac.

* congratulations to David Dissanayake on his new position as sales manager at Oni Press.

* finally, Neda Ulaby profiles Kim Yale, a creator on key issues of Suicide Squad and generally much missed. It can be difficult to recognize key contributors to crossover media properties; this effort is appreciated.
posted 5:05 pm PST | Permalink

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