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December 4, 2009

Random Comics News Story Round-Up

* there's a nice link to a Seth speech on Doug Wright that can be found in this post.

image* the artist Mike Manley shares some G.I. Joe sketches. It's still a little bit weird to look at the next generation's group of childhood icons being played with after two decades of them messing with your own.

* I keep seeing hints around various blog postings that Tokyopop may use some fan production work to finish some series, but I don't know anything about it other than that. Sounds slightly depressing.

* the columnist Tom Bondurant looks back at a 1984 DC editorial by Dick Giordano and sees how much of it has come to pass 25 years later.

* Scott Pilgrim and Superman high-five.

* the cartoonist and on-line syndicate head Daryl Cagle has announced the release of an MSNBC Cartoons application for iPhone. I'm not going to pretend I know if that's really worth noting at this point or not, but it sounds like might be cool.

* is there any made-up word more fun to type than Blechmania?

* if the new TCJ means that we get R. Fiore around more often, it's going to be hard not to enjoy the new TCJ. Here he dissents from RC Harvey's strident and all-but-unsupported except by assertion and plot recap statement that 9 Chickweed Lane is the best strip going by dissecting that strip like a master, exposing Harvey's thinking as overly facile in the process and asserting two real-world, specific counters of his own like a gentleman. Although even if it means he beats up on me like that, someone needs to teach Mr. Fiore how to link to articles.

* one of the reasons so many North American comics fans like Gabriel Ba and Fabio Moon is because they write things like how their new comic book is going to change your life and something about is such that you don't dare disbelieve them.

* how much saliva do you think MODOK needs to wipe his face mask clean?

* finally, Chris Sims has a funny article up on the latest round of wrestling comics will likely be horrible beyond imagining. I like to think Jaime Hernandez's stuff (Whoa, Nellie!, etc.) and Gilbert's short story about Adrian Adonis are good North American wrestling comics (Jaime's are kind of North and South American), but his general rule holds true. Is there any good pro wrestling manga? I'm drawing a blank.
posted 2:00 am PST | Permalink

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