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December 30, 2009

Random Comics News Story Round-Up

* Tom Toles talks about some of his cartoons for the last ten years, including his great Obama post-election cartoon.

image* Brigid Alverson surveys the year in manga, news-wise.

* Abhay Khosla loses his smile.

* although it's certainly possible to write comics news using nothing but such headlines, it's still nice every now and then when a phrase like "New Dinosaur Books" slips into the workday. It's William Stout, so that makes it worth noticing.

* Jeff Smith names his favorite comics of the decade.

* Jason Thompson has named his top 10 manga for 2009. They are:
1. Little Fluffy Gigolo Pelu
2. Detroit Metal City
3. Red Blinds the Foolish
4. Moyasimon
5. Oishinbo
6. Children of the Sea
7. The Summit of the Gods
8. Bokurano: Ours
9. Red Snow
10. 20th Century Boys
Thompson gets into it pretty deep on each entry, and even provides an honorable mention section, so if you're manga-interested in any way I hope you'll click through on the initial link.

image* here's a list of best covers from the '00s, and while I like a number of these I'm guessing it's a mostly-mainstream list because there are covers like this one I like just as much as anything here. You know what series I thought had great covers? The Ed The Happy Clown reprint series. I thought Canicola had good covers, too. Oh, and Kuti Magazine.

* I'm not sure I know what the hell is going on in this second half of Jog's Brooklyn Comics and Graphics Festival report, but it's pretty fun to read.

* CBR reviews the decade in news a few stories at a time. I'll look at the whole thing when they're done, but at a first glance it seems someone accidentally cut out the part where it was noted that the vast majority of comics' creative response to 9/11 sucked giant donkey balls.

* Bill Randall has a long essay up from TCJ #300 well worth reading.

* Sandy Bilus reviews the comics page from that McSweeney's Panorama project.

* how writer James Vance spent his ten-year vacation.

* finally, what happened to the Eagle Awards?
posted 11:30 pm PST | Permalink

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