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April 25, 2005

Romano Scarpa, 1927-2005


Romano Scarpa, one of the great Disney comic book artists of the 20th Century, and a cartoonist who worked equally well in classic (above) and modern (bottom) styles, died on Saturday morning and is to be buried today according to reports on

imageFor years the most valuable player of Disney comics in Italy, Scarpa began his comics career in 1953 working with the publisher Mondadori. He left animation for full time comics work a year later. Scarpa gained his reputation on a series of Mickey Mouse stories begun in 1956 that adhered closely to the classic adventure tone and look created by Floyd Gottfredson in the American strip which Mondadori had up until then be republishing. In the 1960s he mostly illustrated the work of other writers before returning to writing much of his own comics in the 1970s. Although best known for his work on the Mickey character, Scarpa also illustrated several stories featuring the Disney ducks, and was a highly regarded artist in terms of those characters as well. As a writer, he was probably best known for his light translation of classic Hollywood movies into comics settings.

posted 7:58 am PST | Permalink

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