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April 18, 2005

Stan the Man Speaks His Mind

Stan Lee is profiled one more time by the Los Angeles Times, this time in the form of an interview appearing in the weekend magazine. It's slightly depressing that he's acknowledged by the piece's writer as the creator of the various big-name Marvel properties instead of co-creator, as is more common now. The only other thing about the piece that struck me as odd was Lee's half-assertion that co-founder Peter Paul's nefarious stock maneuvers somehow threw a wrench into what was turning out before then to be a successful company. I don't know anyone who thinks given the way the Internet economy turned out that anything Stan Lee Media was putting out there would have done really well, or, honestly, that the content was anything other than pretty standard to second-rate adventure material in general, despite generally competent and bright people on staff. It's not like anyone expects a John Taddeo to sweep in and hoover up "The Drifter," although I guess you never know.

As always, we wish Lee good luck with getting the money from Marvel due him because of the world's craziest contract clause, and certainly the announcement of an eight-figure settlement would not surprise anyone were it to show up at any time.
posted 2:58 am PST | Permalink

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