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February 11, 2015

The Never-Ending, Four-Color Festival: Shows And Events


By Tom Spurgeon

* I've been updating the forthcoming events calendar to better reflect a full year of conventions, festivals and expos. I could still use .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) Check out mid-April. Holy crud.

* I'm not sure I've ever seen a convention program cover treated as exclusive news, but whatever works, I guess. Good on them. I'm not sure that says something about the continued surge in interest in conventions or the way that comics media functions right now or half and half or what. It's a nice cover.

* in doing the show listings, this webcomics-oriented one in Texas was new to me.

* Comic-Con announced its second wave of guests, and they seem to be playing to their usual strengths. Scott McCloud will be there in support of The Sculptor, while Jillian Tamaki and Mariko Tamaki will be there in support of last year's award-winner This One Summer. I like very much the idea that Comic-Con isn't bound to guests solely in the year they have something big to sell; a couple of my favorite guests from last year were cartoonists whose books were out in 2012 and 2013. Once you get to the point of being invited to that show, it strikes me that you've reached a point where you're a draw to your type of fan, period.

* finally, Linework NW has announced its exhibitors using the split-exhibitor strategy that it's hoping will keep fan interest high but also serve that immense creative community and those that wish to visit that immense creative community. I hope to attend this year's show.
posted 3:25 pm PST | Permalink

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