September 25, 2006
UPS: Aaron McGruder Declines to Give Formal Restart Date For Boondocks Strip

In a press release issued today, Universal Press Syndicate
announced that newspapers should not count on the highly successful
Boondocks feature "coming back in the forseeable future." Apparently, the syndicate had tried to pin McGruder down on a date after rampant speculation last week that the feature might never return, but they were unable to do so.
The press release goes on to say that UPS would not be accelerating
Maintaining by African-American cartoonist Nate Creekmore, and that UPS' committed space started out at 80 percent in March when McGruder announced a six-month sabbatical. As noted in
an entry last week, McGruder's television show version of
Boondocks had received a larger order than most industry observers had previously thought it would, and with the strip continuing to lose space in the newspaper as his sabbatical continues, there comes a point where it becomes more difficult to even have the feature return with a full creative team under McGruder's supervision.
posted 9:52 am PST |
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