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April 19, 2005

Weissman Comic For Fantagraphics Site


Apparently, cartoonist Steve Weissman plans on doing a strip-comic version of his Yikes! work, which will appear on the Fantagraphics web site in roughly the format above. I can justify this as news by noting how little comics publishers work to exploit their primary on-line presence. Fantagraphics is Weissman's print publisher these days, so it's a natural fit, and as I can't think of a single reason I've gone to the publisher's site in weeks, it could probably use the bump in traffic. Let's all hope the new strip appears on the front page, because consistently negotiating anything past page one on the Fanta site is sort of an adventure.

Also speaking of publisher web stuff and things that aren't really news, I believe Dargaud updated their site.
posted 9:35 am PST | Permalink

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