February 20, 2006
Your Daily Danish Cartoons Update

* It seems as if after a horrible weekend of deaths and general mayhem, Monday was light on the protests and heavy on the political repurcussion articles. the only demonstration I'm finding
is less than 100 people in Iran. Although small, those that showed up did seemingly pick up their copy of "Protest in a Box" beforehand, bearing "We Hate Denmark" signs and blaming Jewish people for being the cause behind the cause.
* Perhaps the loopiest development was
a court in India calling for the death of the cartoonists responsible for the original Muhammed cartoons in the Danish paper
Jyllands-Posten, to which the last couple of weeks of rioting and political turmoil can be traced (
original cartoons).
* The economic repurcussions continue to peel back revealing new skin,
with approximately $20 million (USD) lost to Danish poster-business -- and the only reason I've ever typed "dairy giant" -- Arla Foods. Here's
a more general wire article on the economic cost.
* The Association of American Editorial Cartoonists has provided another
round-up of links from their perspective, which includes a greater focus on wider editorial cartooning issues and vocational concerns. Included is a rumor that the
Village Voice is considering getting out of the cartoon business altogether, which, despite suspecting that has only a very slight connection to the Danish Cartoons Controversy, I could comment upon more effectively if I'd seen a
Voice since Jules Feiffer left.
* Jacob Mercy's
cartoon on the matter is making the linkblogging rounds.
* It looks like Danish politicians have decided not to wait until after the protests are over to begin the process of assigning --
or avoiding -- blame.
* The
Indianapolis Star surveyed all the editors at major college newspapers in the Hoosier state about publishing the Muhammed cartoons, providing a pretty fair snapshot of the variety of opinions college editors have on the subject. They also mention the University of Illinois incident, which is a complete and total morass that may be directly or only tangentially related to the publishing of Muhammed cartoons.
* If you're like me, there's been one and only one question at the back of your mind since this entire thing began:
What does the Mallard Fillmore guy think about this?
posted 11:22 pm PST |
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