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November 16, 2009

Your Danish Cartoons Hangover Update

* one of the things we covered here was how hard officials in the UK came down on the Danish Cartoons protests in their country, jailing protest leader after protest leader in what some thought was an excuse to break the back of organized radical Islam in that country. Now we see one of the more horrible results: an interview with a man who fled the country during the arrests. He talks about slaughtering former countrymen in such a casual way it's hard to stomach.

* another sort-of dubious result is your standard "comparison of civilizations" article.

* support continues to drop for the UN's religious defamation resolution.

* those Indian officials that came to America to interview David Coleman Headley are looking at possible links between the Mickey Mouse Plot principal and the attacks in Mumbai in 2008. I'm not sure if it's a strong link or if that's just such a huge event that's how any such investigation would be processed, but I imagine that will eventually come out.

* it's also hard to tell the strength of links asserted between information provided by Headley and alleged co-conspirator Tahawwur Hussain Rana and arrests being made overseas.

* finally, this is as strong a link as I've ever seen any conservative columnist make between the Danish Cartoons and other tragedies related to the friction between believers in a radical Islam and the West. I don't think I agree with any of it, but it's stated in a forthright, informed fashion.
posted 7:30 am PST | Permalink

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