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December 10, 2009

Your Danish Cartoons Hangover Update

* it's the gift nobody wants!

* this article has a bunch of stuff on David Coleman Headley, the most involved of the three Mickey Mouse Plot accused, including the three most important this week: 1) he was back in front of judges Wednesday (he entered a plea of not guilty), 2) he's been cooperative with authorities so far, 3) he could face the death penalty if convicted.

* here's someone building a case that links the issue of the Swiss banning minarets to the Danish Cartoons. I'm not sure I agree with that case, but this article breaks it down a bit for those who have been confused by just hearing it asserted.

* the retired Pakistani major Abdur Reman Hashim Syed was charged on the Danish Cartoons part of the indictment, not the Mumbai part.

* there may be a plea deal in the works for Headley. India seeks his extradition.
posted 7:00 am PST | Permalink

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