November 22, 2004 Tokyopop Backlist Gains
According to the industry analysis site, manga publisher Tokyopop outstripped North America comic book giant Marvel Comics in October's unit market share of backlist sales, those books which are not absolutely brand new but provide a comic shop with a good, full stock of comics product in the same manner as a bookstore.

It's an interesting thing to note, and definitely news, but some feel the ultimate level of its significance is debatable.
Kevin Melrose mentions poo-poohing the effect of anime sales as they might distort the final number. I still wonder if there aren't still other factors at work: the relatively recent signing of Tokyopop to preferred distributor Diamond its comic shop service, the relative newness of the manga market for many shops,
the calm before Marvel's 2005 trade storm indicating a relative lack of backlist (DC is still, after all, number one, without Tokyopop or Viz's total backlist), and even what some have called a tiny hiccup in super hot brand new anime driving readers towards the standard hits for the moment.
Not that the figures aren't pretty alarming all by themselves...
Cover from a popular Tokyopop title.
posted 7:47 am PST |
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